This is rather brilliant content. Richard's wine critique made me LOL. I've read several of your pieces now and I'm enjoying all. I worked for Richard when he first took the wheel at WQAD so I've known him a long time. We had a very good time in those days, did some good stuff and made a lot of quality memories. A number of us from that crew get together whenever time and geography allows, and some time I'd love for the two of you to join us. I think it would be pretty lively.

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

While talking with friends this week, one asked, "How did Marge Green know that the space laser, that started the California wild fires was Jewish?" I said it was obvious, because the tip had been visibly altered.

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Pizza doesn’t look very !!! Definitely not Chgo style.

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Feb 5, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

Hi Julie-Chuck in Baton Rouge-read you daily even Veda has read a few! Love you keep it up. It's a perfect commentary just a page!

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Happy one week anniversary! For any who don’t know Richard (the husband) the Sh*t he says could probably fill a book. If Julie was a little more #Erma Bombech than #Julie Gammack, that is what we might have.

Her followers will likely be happier with Richard humor (and Richard wisdom) as an occasional respite from Julie's take on the deeper implications of current events. That is what the “N” in Meyers Briggs would best deliver

Signed: ENTJ

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What fun to read your daily contributions. Thank you!

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deletedFeb 6, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack
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