Today marks week one of Julie Gammack’s Potluck, a Substack column. As various benchmarks are reached, an algorithm kicks in and cheers me on. Readership is growing at an above-average rate, retention is 100%, and our share rate is ‘excellent'’’
Much to my surprise, I’m gaining traction among readers who I did not know and who are scattered across the world. Welcome to this uncharted journey.
I have a reader in France who cannot figure out how to subscribe, so I’ve been sending her individual columns via email.
This is for her. Katie, does this link work?
Please share this post with those you think might want to join our Potluck community. And join the discussion in the comments section!
If you missed earlier columns or want to send the batch to a friend, here are links to what was posted this week:
A friend asked me earlier in this process, have you figured out your ‘why’ and intention in these columns. Although I hadn’t thought about it before, I answered quickly.
I worked on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., at the age of 24, then radio and television, then print. I’ve been an entrepreneur, and for the past 20 years, I was a meeting facilitator and coach for CEO groups in Baltimore and Chicago. Today, I spend way too much time following the news.
This is an unusual combination of perspectives as these industry segments often hold the other in contempt and mistrust. If I can bridge those divides even just a little bit, I will be fulfilling my ultimate personal compass and mission statement of creating understanding.
I’ve made tons of mistakes and looked utterly foolish more times than I can count.
Clearly, I’ve taken a lot of risks. There’s a reason why, which I will tell you in a column next week. Maybe it’ll inspire you in that department?
Sh*t Richard (my husband) says upon presenting a beautiful pizza he made:
“A Kirkland Chardonnay stands up nicely to Chef Boyardee mix…It’s a good wine. Not a great wine.”
While talking with friends this week, one asked, "How did Marge Green know that the space laser, that started the California wild fires was Jewish?" I said it was obvious, because the tip had been visibly altered.
Hi Julie-Chuck in Baton Rouge-read you daily even Veda has read a few! Love you keep it up. It's a perfect commentary just a page!