One big takeaway from Tuesday's election is that a majority of Americans (it appears) rejected the GOP's culture war bullying and the ongoing strategy to divide. Except in two states - Florida and Iowa. And what do both states have in common? A bully governor who embraced the trump strategy with steroids. That a majority of voters rejected two 40 yr veterans of bipartisan leadership (Tom Miller and Mike Fitzgerald who have a stellar record of working hard for all Iowans) speaks volumes about 1) the success of weaponizing things like a global public health crisis, 2) the effectiveness of over-the-top attack ads that contain not a shred of truth (largely funded by outside money), and perhaps worst of all, 3) the gullibility of the average Iowa voter in 2022. I wish I could be more optimistic for Iowa's future. I predict that we are on the precipice of a mass exodus in coming years, particularly those under the age of 35.

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…and, voter suppression. Making it harder for Iowans to vote cost a House seat, if not more.

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I have done so. One replied that they had received two papers this week from The Iowa Catholic Tribune. It looked like a real paper, but it was full of far-right political propaganda. The question was: where did they get our names and addresses?

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Love it! The 'antithesis of character"! Well said, Julie. I feel, and have felt for the last 15 years, like I'm Alice "Through the Looking Glass". Things are not as they appear and people are too easily hoodwinked. The problem may have started with Reagan in the 80's but Citizens' United was the cherry on top of the banana fudge sundae. In the meantime, Gannett is contributing to the misinformation, the conspiracy theories, the outrageous LIES that have contributed to unstable people committing violence against Democrats. I, for one, am canceling my Register subscription tomorrow. I feel like picketing the printing plant here, but I'm too old and I get too cold.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

This is frightening. I am afraid for my state, I am afraid for my country, I am afraid for my world. The moral core of so many institutions, and sadly of the people who were given the charge to take care of our state, our country and our world, is missing in action in too many places. My greatest fear is that it will not return.

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I hope this is picked up by the national news media.

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Thanks, Anita! I hope you can share it with your friends.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Yes, Julie. We stand for what we tolerate. But I think you’re whistling in the wind. So many people believe it’s only about winning, like a football game; winning is the only thing that matters. It’s not really important how the game is played. Or who gets hurt. As long as it's not me. And they don’t wake-up until it's too late. But it takes people like you to keep sounding the alarm in the hope that "this time it will be different." So keep it up, Julie, but don’t be disappointed if your message falls on deaf ears.

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Thanks, David, for your thoughtful comments.

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