Feb 11, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

I read this after watching today's proceedings. And started to cry..... again.....about what has been, what was, and what is. Tonight, I am here to honor Krishna, the wonder dog. And Senator Harkin....I sure wish you were still there, for sure!

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Ok, so Senator Harkin sent the comment ‘more from Richard!’ to which I said, ‘Ok, but you must honor Krishna goddamit!’

Apparently, it is not clear how to add a comment to these posts, so let the record show, Senator Harkin says regarding my dog, Krishna, “Smartest dog I ever knew!”

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Ok, so Senator Harkin sent the comment ‘more from Richard!’ to which I said, ‘Ok, but you must honor Krishna goddamit!’

Apparently, it is not clear how to add a comment to these posts, so let the record show, Senator Harkin says regarding my dog, Krishna, “Smartest dog I ever knew!”

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Feb 10, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

Thank you for the article. I have been writing and will continue.

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Feb 10, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

Both yesterday and today, I tried to sneak views of the impeachment trial proceedings between Zoom calls and other work. On Tuesday, I started hoping just maybe Bruce Castor was the ultimate patriot and was trying to undermine the Trump case to a sufficient extent he just might lose. I bemoan all the handwringing about what a "bad job" he did - I thought it was perfect. The ones who truly did a poor job were all the Republicans who voted "no." As for today, I can see why it will be difficult to persuade Republicans to convict - because their own statements over the past months may have also contributed to insurrection. Worse, they are probably selfishly calculating voters who remain uninformed. As John Adams worried, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion... Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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