Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck
Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck
Super guest, Dr. Richard Deming, plus...

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck

Super guest, Dr. Richard Deming, plus...

...your link to a panel discussion on politics today with Busiek, Tibbetts, Belin, and more
Welcome to our new subscribers! On Mondays, we feature a guest who appears via Zoom, and readers are invited to participate in the conversation. These events occur from noon to 1 p.m. central time, and a link to the Zoom call is sent within 24 hours of the Potluck. Today’s link is listed below.

Dr. Richard Deming is a life-eater with a voracious appetite. As a specialist in cancer treatment, he champions a left-brain and right-brain approach to treatment, which he describes as ‘integrative oncology.’

A treatment team considers the patient's psychosocial, emotional, financial, spiritual, and philosophical issues. They have included touch therapies such as massage, chiropractic care, Reiki, reflexology, acupuncture, osteopathic manipulation, and counseling services.

Patients and friends consider Deming a superhero and a man full of life and joy.

Listen to the podcast, and you’ll understand his approach and progressive ideas.

A parade of pundits on Monday!

Mark your calendars for Monday, June 17! We're hosting a Potluck call with political pundits from our Iowa Writers’ Collaborative roster. Join me, Dave Busiek, Laura Belin, and Robert Leonard for a wide-ranging conversation starting at noon central. This is an event you won't want to miss!

Politics Panel Zoom Link

Congratulations to

on the publication of her new memoir! Richard and I will host a book signing at our home on July 10 for paid subscribers to this column or Wini’s Food Stories.

The invitation is below the paywall below. Please RSVP if you would like to attend.

Available for Pre-Order

The book is being published by the University of Iowa Press, with a pub date of July 17. To find out the best ways to purchase the book, click here.

Wini’s Food Stories
Announcing My Tell-All Memoir of Reviewing Restaurants in Des Moines
It was the best of jobs, it was the worst of jobs… OK, mostly it was a blast. After all, only an ingrate could really complain about being a food critic. And yet, reviewing local restaurants for The Des Moines Register did come with some challenges. In my memoir…
Read more

This post is for paid subscribers

Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck
Julie Gammack's Iowa Potluck
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