Feb 27, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

Oh boy this one got me going! I too was intrigued by the question of what would I do if I knew that I would not fail. I looked way way way back and tried to think if fear of failure held me back in any way. It had not. I thought of every job, career choice, self employment venture, and unusual way to create income that kept me going over the past fifty plus years since college. I'd never really counted so I was amazed that the number was right around 15!

Then the fun started:

Houses owned - close to 20.

Vehicles owned - 16 cars, 4 pick ups, and 1 semi truck.

Miles driven - got to be over a couple million

Dogs owned - 7

Dog walking mileage - got to be over a couple thousand.

I think you get the idea!

Then there's tooth brushes, shoes, haircuts, meals, etc. There is just no end to the stuff you can start counting.

And thank god for ....

Covid vaccines - 2 !!


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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

Loving all your posts. You have been there for so many of us. You are loved!

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

We have all been there and it is a good reminder to realize almost everyone else is in the same boat most of the time. Thanks for the reminder. The question about what would you do if you knew you could not fail is scary because then you have to face that fear when you realize there really is no reason not to do what you aspire to.

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Feb 25, 2021Liked by Julie Gammack

This post is going to be required reading for one of my classes. I have the privilege to work with some amazing students who have not found success in traditional educational settings. Many of them are--to borrow your word--stuck. I hope they find inspiration in this just as I have.

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