Good reflections, Julie!

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My experience was so fine last year. One of the first persons I met upon heading to the hot dogs and bonfire was Bob Leonard. OMG here I am in the presence of so many people I have met or followed over the years.

Thank you a million times for this opportunity!

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I'm one of the almost 300!!! I watched last year via a friend. This year, I'm jumping in!

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Welcome aboard!!

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Sound wonderful and Dudley sounds like a little darling. Wish I could be there, too.

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...at a friend's house in Urbandale. You may not have known most of the people there, but you were there!

Of course, there's a backstory to this, so WE'LL TALK!!!

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You "helped" me to remember the things that could go wrong with my own upcoming conference! What if my internet goes out that weekend (it's virtual)? What if something else happens and I can't be there to let everyone in? What if, what if, what if . . . I could go on and on. But then there's that photo of J. Dudley Gilbert - he's so darn cute! Please continue to include his photos in your future columns - Please!

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I enjoyed your reflections and I know OWR 3 will be the best yet!

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You and your captain of industry have this! You also have countless people who will have your back............. always.

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Julie, I hope you have another retreat next year! I’m not able to attend this one, unfortunately.

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OMG! As a large event planner in a previous life, I am in awe!! And SO LOOKING FORWARD to OWR! I’ll toss in a couple extra umbrellas ☔️ and a life jacket or two for the environmental group experience. And bless you for “sound”. It’s so appreciated! See you Sunday!

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Looking forward to seeing you Chris!

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Can’t wait to meet Dudley. 😀

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Your humor brings me much joy— keep it up.

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I can't wait!

On a personal note...do you remember where you were the night of December 30th, 1979? I have the "goods"!

Lou Ann Burkle

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I really appreciate reading the various articles. Keep up the good work. I am retired and the authors are great to read and I can continue to learn.

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Congratulations! And thanks for your hard work, panic moments, and sleepless nights. You deserve a generous pat on the back and a Shout Out! I predict that there will be glitches but that when all is said and done everyone there will go home with a lighter heart and a head full of inspiration, new ideas, new friends and a vow to put next year's date on their calendar and to register as soon as registrations are open. I wish you all very well. You will get your life back long enough to have a glass of wine, prop your feet up and regain energy to do it all over again next year. Diana

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Love this history and your always-present optimism. Exactly the reason those of us who have discovered this event and its leaders consider ourselves to be so fortunate. Thank you.

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