I just found this….my God! It punchesthe mood of too many Iowans right in the gut. Could you please update and send out across the state again. Please we all need to heat this again and again!!

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Thanks so much, Lonni!

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

I needed this column (Again) today.

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Julie, The article is OUTSTANDING. It needs to be in The Des Moines Register and other Iowa newspapers, in everyone's Blog and discussed on TV and radio stations. Ruth

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

This is especially good!

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Jan 26, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Julie get your articles in the Siouxland news in Hospers, Iowa. Sioux County is the area that beats us in the Democrat races. I wish Fred Hubbell would have made it and her did until Sioux came in. I wish Rob Sand would run for governor. He campaigned in Arnolds Park and I was there. I have many relatives in the health care field and they are working so hard. One has Covid now. And he was vaccinated. Keep trying to remind people that we need to have more nurses in Iowa and not politicians walking across the state spreading Covid. Bring back all National Guard people and let them help in the hospitals care for the sick. And we need immigrants as health care workers. Look at the state.

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Thank you for writing this column, Julie. Thank you for challenging all of us to get out of our bunkers and work to elect leaders who will represent our state with intelligence, grace, compassion, and a willingness to compromise in order to move our state and country forward. The hate, fear, and ignorance that marks the leadership style on too many levels in these times needs to come to an end. I always say this is not who we are when I talk about what is happening to our home, but I think a more accurate description would be to say this is not who we should be. I had such hope in 2020 and to say that the outcome was a disappointment is a complete understatement. I thought we had a real chance to change the tone, change the discussion, change this ugly, disheartening image that is projected by the republican leadership and leaves people wondering "What in the hell has happened to Iowa?". Let's work together and make that extra effort in any way we can to make Iowa IOWA again.

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Well said, Kathi!

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Loved this column. You are such a brilliant writer! Susie, I take no offense at what you’ve written, but I will tell you Fred was out campaigning every single day for 18 months. Running for statewide office is difficult bc you have to be everywhere all of the time. And he did not have name recognition outside of the Des Moines/ Cedar Rapids markets. He turned out more Dems than voted for our 2014 candidate. It’s just that NW Iowa turned out in bigger numbers. (Or so they say. I’m convinced it was election fraud. Heck, even Kim’s campaign staff were looking for other jobs!)

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Hey Katie! I have an idea. Rather than censure Synema, why doesn’t the AZ Dem party try to recall her? I am sure she has said or done some things that are contrary to her status as a real Democrat. (She’s a DINO.) I’ve called and left a message with them. If you’re so inclined, please do the same. And, if you’re on FB (which I am not), tell your friends what you’ve done and give them the phone number of the AZ Dem party. Ask your friends to do the same on their FB posts. We need a groundswell of opposition to Synema to let her know we’re coming for her. Hugs.

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Jan 27, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Great suggestions, Charlotte. I'll definitely look into that. Taking Julie's recommends to heart, I'm now volunteering for Mark Kelly's campaign! Hope you two are doing well. Hugs back. Katy

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I live in AZ and I did write to her using my AZ address. She is very disappointing.

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Also most Bob Ray Republicans are no longer Republicans. See Richard and Bryce supporting Mayor Pete 😉😁👍🏽

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Ras dropped out of the race.

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clearing the way for Abby??

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What about Ras Smith? I think he is really sharp and has both urban and rural connections with a truck farm in Grundy Co.

I’m all for the Admiral and agree Abby should run for Governor instead of us senate.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Excellent and I agree but this gives me hope.

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I’m in the middle of a very depressing mood of resignation. Learning how much Iowans support Reynolds, Ernst and Grassley has given me such serious concern, that I had to distance myself from the situation - at least mentally. Thank you for much needed inspiration to change my mood.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

Julie, this is an excellent burr under our collective saddles!

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I've found myself wondering what I could do to change this state but then I've always been that way. I'm disabled myself so I know how hard that is. I also know how hard it is to find a qualified psychiatrist and one who listens to me. I think it is inherent in native Iowans to just sit back and say, what good is it to speak up when no one listens. We'll just go with the flow. But that's why we are in such a bad state! We need people to stand up for our rights and DO SOMETHING.

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I loved this column, but just for the record, Fred Hubbell, who I'm sure is a fine man, did not campaign. He left it all to the TV ads. Whoever runs for Governor must be willing to meet people face to face. I konw that's hard, but it's a must.

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

As you know, I love ALL your writings, but this has to be one of your best. Hits the nail on the head for sure. It has encouraged me to shift, as I've been in resignation mode recently. But I live in a state that elected Kyrsten Sinema.....and I voted for her. But we can't have one bad apple spoilt the fruits of all our labors. Yep, time to do something. Thanks, Julie!

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