Thanks but I found the transition from trans youth to "Oh let's think of something pleasant" to be quite jarring Maybe I'm a grumpy old man, but it lacks awareness of the positive in the transgender equality battle, the fact that the man feels emboldened to be authentic and live his life. Don't think it needs countering

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Bill, the conversation was over hours, and the distillation into 1000 words a shoe-horn, so it was the columnist who made the transition too abrupt, perhaps.

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Thanks. I’m sure that is the case. Hopefully there was affirmation for the grandson

As an Art NEU Campaign staffer said in the 72 primary for Lt. Gov after dropping a 220,000+ Direct mail flyer, “now we just sit around and be nervous as hell”. Of course no time to ‘sit around’ But of course I am nervous as hell!

In 72 I learned about Yard Signs at polling places. We spend the early morning Election Day putting up signs at every DM precinct. Standard practice now for decades 🗳️🗳️🗳️🗳️

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Thank you for the information. I have a nephew living in Cedar Rapids and I am aware of the city and it's concerns. Thank you for sharing. Interesting information. Yes, we need more low-income housing for older people and younger people. We had that program back in the 1970s.

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This potluck parade is genius! Keep it up! Ideally others will sprout up in imitation and admiration!

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