I think Franken is a fine person. But I am supporting Dr. Glenn Hurst. He probably won't get the nomination, but he is a thoughtful candidate in a field of sound bites.

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Cynthia, I understand completely. I think Glenn is a terrific, committed, smart candidate. I made my decision because I really think Franken can win in November. Whatever happens, all three candidates are great for different reasons and I hope those who do not win will stay active and possibly run for something again.

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What a thread by Bruce Lulu. Thank you, Bruce

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Sen. Ernst & others allege it's a mental health issue [when Cruz isn't blaming too many doors] - BUT she then is against one of the ways to deal with guns as a mental health issue = Red Flag Laws. I don't agree it's a mental health issue - after all, if it were we could address it. In fact, there are so many weapons of war in our society that's 'normal' so need to deal with it as a 'normality' issue == in which case, practical and meaningful limits on access to weapons of war - background checks, waiting periods, age limits, Red Flag laws, and all the thing Bruce Lulu mentions below.

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Thanks for the dialogue. And thanks for joining the paid subscriber list!

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And technical details on assault rifles:

Assault Rifle

Here you go. The AR-15 (the choice for school and other slaughter) is a US military assault rifle M-16 with the 3 round burst option removed. The class features of assault rifles are (save for the burst and/or full auto option): 1) quickly detachable high capacity magazines, typically holding 30 rounds (or more) 2) they fire intermediate power ammo designed to be highly lethal to humans with a single shot out to 300-500 yards (as opposed to full power ammo lethal to 800-1000+ yards). Because they use intermediate power ammo, they have low recoil and are very easy to fire rapidly and accurately. 3) They are semi-auto, as opposed to bolt action. In single fire mode, one pull of the trigger fires one round and auto loads another round. The weapon is ready to fire. 4) With a small amount of practice, say 1 hour at a range, with the civilian AR-15 (technically not quite an assault rifle) you could easily fire 90 rounds in under 2 minutes. With more practice you could do it in under 1 minute. That's a lot of dead people when done at close range like a concert or a school. What many people are proposing is that assault rifles and their kissing cousins (ie. assault rifle with the the burst option disabled) be made very difficult or impossible to buy. No one in their right mind is proposing confiscating existing guns from their legal owners.


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Thanks for your diligence, Bruce!

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Gun control was a debate topic when I was on the TRHS Varsity Debate team. I have read books on the subject, and I am a technical expert on guns.

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And here are the technical details on what to do about guns:

Gun Control

My plan, in simple speak: Put these limits into Federal law.

No open carry.

No concealed carry without Federal background check, license and demonstrated need.

No stand your ground laws except inside your own home.

National firearm registration with background check and waiting period. Mandatory safety class with each firearm purchase.

Adequately funded ATF

Owners liable for damages caused by their guns. No purchase without liability insurance.

Outside the home, guns may be transported to ranges or hunting areas while unloaded and locked. Ammo locked separately.

For long guns: 1) No detachable magazines. Internal hand load magazine, five round max 2) No semi (or full) auto. Hand bolt action only.

For shot guns: 1) No detachable magazines. Internal hand load magazine, five round max 2) No semi (or full) auto. Hand pump action only.

For pistols: 1) No detachable magazines. Internal hand load magazine, six round max

How do we accomplish this? Break the power of the NRA. They have bought the GOP.

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Seems an impossible dream today.

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Voting still counts. That is why the GOP attempts to suppress it. Win the WH and you can control the SCOTUS. The sane people must motivate the apathetic center that does not vote. Winning over GOPers is a fool's errand.

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The NRA owns the GOP. Mitt Romney has received over $13M from them during his career. What does he provide them in return? The solution is clear: 1) vote the GOP out. 2) Overturn Citizens United. Until then, it's one dollar, one vote.

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