Julie, I applaud small papers that take courageous stands. I also know Dixie State University in St. George, Utah, has hosted the DOCUTAH film festival. However, The Columbia Journalism Review posted an article saying Pulitzers are not saving local newspapers: https://www.cjr.org/business_of_news/pulitzers-cant-save-local-journalism.php.

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As Storm Lake goes, so goes America.

Julie the Annapolis Capital is at risk. Here is the lead in a NY Times story a cople weeks ago: "Tribune Publishing, the owner of some of the largest metropolitan newspapers in the United States, will be acquired by a hedge fund with a reputation for slashing costs and cutting newsroom jobs, after shareholders voted to approve the deal on Friday."

Tribune Publsihing owns the Baltimore Sun who own the Captrial. Help!

Annapolis was your hometown for a while. Maybe you and Richard need a rescue effort to stay out of the dooldrums? How much could it cost?

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Art’s a bonafide hero, the way hero should be understood (I can imagine him scoffing at that statement). He also writes occasionally for The Guardian and The NYT. His book, Storm Lake, is a great read too. I send his columns to my friends in the Twin Cities, Philadelphia,Boston and Tacoma. Some of them occasionally refer to him as “that Mark Twain guy.” 😎

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