Jun 8, 2022Liked by Julie Gammack

I abhor all this gun violence. I can't believe that I worry now about going to a movie or a concert or the store or my grandkids in school. Who is going to be the next nut case who decides to become a mass murderer. Is one of the next shootings going to be someone I love? I am NOT against people owning guns or defending themselves. My dad, brothers, nephews and sons all have or have had guns and knows how to handle them in a responsible manner. But who in the hell needs to own assault weapons in the general population? If any of these gun laws, measures or whatever else people can think of to try and solve the problem, if they save ONE person and that is a person you love, was it worth it to have those new laws. A woman on TV expressed it very well today. Your right to own guns stops when it interferes with MY rights, freedom and my pursuit of happiness. Loretta Quinnett

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I lived in East Texas and a city where both Matthew McConaughey and Greg Abbott grew up. I think the governor is more worried about gender reassignment for children.

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