I will vote for Joe Biden...period! His depth of institutional knowledge, experience, compassion/empathy and sheer humanity wins my support. If something happens during the next four years (who expected Kennedy to die?), we have a very capable vice-president to take over the reins. Besides that, I believe in Democracy and in the Democratic Party when it comes to fulfilling my dreams for this country.

There is an old saying when it comes to candidates for President: "Democrats fall in love; Republicans fall in line." This time we need to fall in line behind President Biden - no ifs, ands or buts about it!

There is absolutely nothing to recommend the other candidate! It is time for Trump to disappear from the national stage...although I doubt that he will. The biggest mistake this country ever made was in 2016. To state the obvious, I believe in Joe!

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Jul 13Liked by Julie Gammack

I have always lived in Iowa and I have no idea what happened to my beloved state. All the Trumps signs just kill me, truly.

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Jul 13Liked by Julie Gammack

I am voting for Joe Biden with no reservations. My vote is based on his record and his humanity.

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I have just enough time to give my 2 cents worth this morning. I have not yet read any of the other comments. I think Biden should graciously resign today thus Harris becomes President. President Harris gets all of the exposure of being president, and President Harris becomes the incumbent. The narrative shifts away from Biden's age and gaffes, and on to "Mr. Deplorable" himself. And the world gets to see the huge contrast between the two. Democrats win, democracy wins, and Trump goes to prison.

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I’m not worried about whether Democrats will vote for Biden or not. They will. I’m worried that independents and young people won’t vote at all and Trump will win. We need a younger candidate (Kamala) in order to offer voters a younger, more vibrant choice who will pursue Biden’s policies and and help Democrats down ballot to win or Trump’s toadies will block everything the Democrats want you to do to “finish the job”.

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Jul 13Liked by Julie Gammack

I'm late to this thread, but it gave me the opportunity to see clips of Biden's rally in Michigan. His speech was strong, strategic, and even came with some sarcastic humor poking fun at Trump. This is who he needs to be every time he speaks to camera, now until November. I'm starting to evolve my thinking away from "Joe's gotta go". Most importantly, he has a capable VP that could step in if need be. Harris' bad rep is a social media fabrication, inflamed by the chaos-seeking mainstream media. If the President and his closest advisors decide he should step down, the obvious choice is Kamala.

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Jul 13Liked by Julie Gammack

Yes, we watched the press conference! It didn’t change our minds much. We will vote for whoever the dems choose. We are thinking it might be too late to change our candidate now, and we like Biden’s experience no matter his age. He has a lot of great people around him.

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If Dems were smart, they'd be running newscasts from four years ago to remind us how "wonderful" things were under Trump. We need to remember how der fuhrer responded while a million US lives were lost to COVID.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I will be voting for the democratic nominee. Switching now is a mistake by at least a year. I feel like everyone makes this a popularity contest when it’s not the candidate you like as much as who has your back and will serve your interests and values. I have no qualms voting for Biden, his administration has made a significant contribution to our democracy. Harris is extremely qualified to step in if needed. Another mistake is saying Biden needs 4 more years. No, actually 4more months is sufficient after the inauguration. His job is to win the election and keep the democracy intact. If Trump wins our country won’t be recognizable anymore. Republicans have to defeated all the way down to the local level. All the negative publicity and press reminds me of the 2016 election where Trump and friends made up false stories to defeat Trumps opponents. Use your critical thinking skills to look at the trash talk. How much is stirred up by a Russian bot? Joe and his administration have my vote any day. Get us thru the election and stay as long as you feel you are still the best for the job. Let’s also get some mentoring started to have great candidates in the future.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

A little history: Michael Libbie (1st comment in this chain) and with our daughters, Shira & Ann, were together in Indian Princesses. They went through public school together. Years later, when Shira was in graduate school at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, she applied for a summer internship at the State Department, preferably on the Middle East Desk. In her quest, she wrote to nothing our senators - then Chuck Grassley and Tom Harkin - for letters of recommendation. Grassley wrote a wonderful letter. From Harkin’s office, she received a dismissive letter, claiming that the senator only writes such letters for people he personally knows. Being one of the few rabbis in Iowa, as ardent Democrat, and having met Harkin several times, I reached out to smile Libbie - a personal friend of Harken, to vent my frustration.

Mike encouraged me that he would take care of it, saying “Don’t know why Democrats are such big supporters of gun control? Because that’s the only way they can protect themselves from shooting themselves in the foot. Suffice it to say, Senator Harkin wrote Shira a glowing recommendation.

Once again, the Democrats have been shootings themselves in the foot, with a major assist from the mainstream media.

I have reviewed the recording of this press conference and have read the reports of it in the mainstream media, and I am appalled. Not at Biden’s performance but at the reporting of the mainstream. We all know that Joe Biden is a stutterer. As such, he will at times, struggle to get his words out. But when we measure the man by the fluidity of his speech rather than the content of his speech, once again we are shooting ourselves in the foot.

Except this time, by doing so, we are not just trashing Biden, we are empowering Trump, accomplices to the surrendering of our democracy to the forces of Trump’s dream of autocracy.

When I read media coverage of the press conference that focused on Biden’s one flub - saying “Trump” instead of “Harris,” intentionally ignoring all the other questions which he answered immediately and informatively, it turned my stomach for they chose to report the facts of the press conference

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

CORRECTION: NOT “ they chose to report the facts of the press conference “ but they chose NOT to chose the the facts of the press conference conferences but to focus on the one faltering moment of the conference and ignore the excellent responses Biden offered to the challenging questions posed to him; all this in serving an agenda aimed at discrediting Biden as a viable candidate.

When all is said and done, if they are successful, they will come up with a million excuses as to why the fate of our nation was turned over to Trump and his autocratic allies. In the words of the banner of the Washington Post, “ Democracy dies in darkness.”

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For those who want Biden to step aside, I have zero confidence in the ability of national leaders and staff to competently transition and do it strategically.

For example, one strategy is divert attention from the Repub convention. On the convention's first day, Biden announces he will not run; that is all the media will cover. A second example, the next day, would be a Biden pronouncement on how the transition should go or explaining protocol--another day of distraction from the Republican attacks. On the third day, and with the blessing or convincing of Harris, DNC announces an open convention. On the fourth day, 3+ D's announce they are running for Prez. My own position is that we have an open convention, with every D Prez candidate promising to have VP Harris as their VP choice or just have a fully open convention for the ticket.

I am writing about other strategies that D's are forgetting. For months, D's have violated the Political Proverb--" when you're up to your neck in alligators, it's hard to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp". Defeating MAGA is the swamp, in this case; having the best Prez and VP is part of winning.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I was talking to a friend this morning. This topic and the Biden presser were discussed. He pointed out that there isn't a democratic candidate that has stepped up and said, I will run for president. Time is running out. A contested convention would be very divisive to the party. If Joe Biden does not announce he will step aside by the weekend, he will be the nominee in August. That will be the reality. Get behind the man. What choice is there? Stand and fight. We have a puncher's chance of defeating Trump. If we cut and run, we have abdicated our responsibility as citizens.

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Lot's of great comments but here's my argument as to why Biden should step aside. It's not about him. It's about us. https://rleonard.substack.com/p/the-jump-scare-biden-press-conference

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A big thanks to Michael Libbe for your comments. You said it so well I’m just mad at all of the alleged democrats who are doing trumps work for them

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And the media which puts headlines about age over lies.

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I watched and was dismayed at Biden's "Vice President Trump" remark just as I was when he introduced President Zelensky as President Putin. But as an Abe Lincoln fan, I don't believe we should "change horses in mid-stream". The Democrat party isn't cohesive enough to get fully behind another candidate (not even Kamala) -- especially at this late date. They'd split, scatter their votes, and leave the door open for Trump. Media needs to be pouncing on Trump's incessant lying, not Biden's gaffe. They're handing the election to the worst liar in history. I'm sticking with Biden.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

IMO far too often Democrats don’t lose elections, they throw them away. The constant focus and quibbling over every misstep and every nuance is fatiguing and disheartening and we seem to do it about everything. We have a job to do. We need to make certain DT never takes office again. And we need to make sure that a demonstrated and proven leader who has DOCUMENTABLE RESULTS, regains office. The only choices we should be making at this moment are strategies for how to communicate what Joe Biden has done for this country in 3 1/2 years, how best to turn out voters and how to hold DT accountable for every self serving and nefarious action he’s taken.

I come from a family of immigrants, coal miners and small shop keepers. You can call it trite but our reality was “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” They did not (and they would not now) have the time to carry on the word battles and “what ifs.” They did not have the luxury of quitting midstream. Neither do we. I’m with Joe. And no offense to those whose opinions differ but I believe that turning our backs on him in this moment will be to throw away this election and many down ticket races as well.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

If you can please read Tim Alberta’s article in The Atlantic about T campaign managers Susie Wiles & Chris LaCivita. It is CHILLING. Their strategy has been attacking Biden’s age & so far it has worked well. They WANT to run against Biden & seem scared that D’s might change candidates ( though I’m guessing they have plenty of Harris attacks ready too). Those 2 people are totally amoral

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

One more thought on this before I move on for the day: As Julie described so eloquently, regardless of Biden's stumbles, there simply is no realistic comparison between him and Donald Trump as candidates for the highest position in the land. I'd go one step further: This isn't a Democrat vs Republican race. It really comes down to right vs wrong. But if the GOP and Trump want to frame the narrative as Democrat vs Republican, and if we're all frustrated at how the public discussion has focused on Biden's stumbles vs trump's mile-long list of crimes and misdeeds, perhaps it simply shows that some voters have higher standards than their counterparts. Much. Higher. And for that, I point the finger squarely at the profit-driven Right-Wing Industrial Media Complex, which is an element of the current crisis that doesn't get held accountable nearly enough.

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I’m ridin’ with Biden, who has never said he was the smartest guy in the room. But he knows who they are and they work for him/us. Remember this administration’s accomplishments! Stay the course!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

The President is much less articulate than before, and the continuing decline is evident. He knows foreign and defense issues backwards and forwards but seems to struggle to express his thoughts. He can’t find the right word, so he circumlocutes, if that’s a word. He relies on rhetorical devices — “the idea that…”, “by the way…”, “anyway”. If you listen carefully you understand what he is getting at. But half the time he lapsed into incoherence. Bottom line, his mind is intact (so he is doing the job as president). But as a campaigner he is ineffective, a terrible communicator, and there is no chance he will improve on that score. He can’t beat Trump, who lies but talks rings around Biden.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

This really isn't about age at all. It is about ABILITY. There are plenty of people out there that have reduced capacity at 60 or are sharp as a tack at 90. So let's just set that aside.

Joe Biden was not Iowa Democrats’ first choice. Or second. Or third. Or fourth. I like to think that Iowans are smart people - and we knew then.

This is a classic case of the emperor having no clothes. The media, his aides, there are so many people that have been complicit in hiding the truth from the American people.

It is ridiculous that we are placing so much importance on a press conference when he hasn’t had one in 8 months.

People are now willing to tell the truth and the truth ain’t pretty. And shame on the people that are making this about the election when the real issue is – who is running the country?? I don’t think it’s him.

We need a president that doesn’t have to be shielded from us. We don’t have that now.

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A train load of bullshit. He’s far more of the rational person today than Trump was when he announced his candidacy in 15. Give it up.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

As an 82 1/2 yr. old, I’m sticking with Biden!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

The pundits triggered the bed wetters. They got two weeks worth of media out of it. And some of us got our confidence shaken. We got played.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I am 4 years older than the President. I seem to be more mobile and fluent than he presently is. And there is no chance that I or any of my contemporaries could begin to match the stamina, endurance or ability to govern this country as well as he does and will continue to do as long as he is still breathing. His decency and decision making was in full evidence at the NATO meeting and press conference. The NATO leaders are smart people. They endorsed Biden fully. Simply — me too!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

If I skip the opening minute with the name gaffe, he did an outstanding job. (He also did a great job with the NATO address. The problem: we can't skip the mix-up of Trump's name for Harris's. Does it show serious cognitive malfunction--no. Can it be played convincingly as one? Yes, and it will be.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I just want to add that I have been following politics my whole life and I've never seen anything like this ongoing, public defenstration of a sitting president by members of his own party and their media allies.

I can't help but suspect that this feels orchestrated, which makes me believe I am being played.

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You are. Have been since January 1980.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I watched both the NATO press conference and the debate. I thought that Biden reminds me a little of George w bush -- although bush would mix up vowels Biden mixes up names.

They keep asking about taking an Alzheimer's test and I think that's a little ridiculous it's self evident if he can stand up there and take a grilling from those reporters for an hour I don't think there's valid reason to say he's demented!

I can’t believe Bohannan and Corkery and all the others so suddenly built this bandwagon after we had our primary who suddenly say Biden should step down — that’s incredibly dumb and short sided that is totally sandbagging their own race and Bidens — and not to put too much of a fine point on it but that is some demented shit if you ask me!

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Better than I feared, but the bar was set pretty low following his disastrous debate performance. He was clear about his accomplishments. Good command of world affairs and policy. But still too many mumbles, verbal crutches, and lost trains of thought that trailed off into “well, anyway…”

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I listened on NPR while cleaning my garage. Although he made some great points, his coughing & pauses were concerning. When he referred to "VP Trump," in my mind his campaign is effectively over.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

You could tell that Biden was energized by the NATO meetings, which played to his strength and command of foreign affairs. But the constant drone about his mental competence, based on how this life-long stutterer talks and not his mental abilities, distracts from attention that would be given to not only Trump’s misspoken phrases but Trump’s actual mental incompetence. Biden did not seem in the news conference to be inspirational or aspirational. Now, the NYT is reporting that donors want to freeze some $90 million if Biden remains on the ticket. This isn’t pretty for Democrats. Republicans are getting a nicely wrapped gift to hide the ills that go with their deeply flawed candidate.

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I am a strong supporter of Joe Biden and last night's press conference caused me to agree that he needs 4 more years to finish the job. He has the support of NATO, our foreign affairs are needing someone like himself who, as he said, has been involved in foreign affairs as a Congressman, Vice President, and now is doing a very good job in a very challenging world stage.

He has done much for our domestic affairs. As someone said you can see it anywhere you go in the US: Bridges are being replaced, roads repaired, in Des Moines our entire sewer system is being replaced. Insulin prices are down; student loans are being reduced; migrants married to a US citizen can stay with their spouse. I could go on. As Biden said, I have the wisdom and experience that comes with age; I want to finish the job; and I have a vision for what I want to accomplish in the next 4 years.

All in all, he can win if we get behind him and support him instead of the ongoing conversation questioning him. Is he perfect? No. But my daughter taught me a long time ago when she was little and I war reprimanding her for something. "Mom, nobody's perfect." I'm still reminded of that every day. What great advice she gave me. He can win. He will do a good job. and as he said, I chose Kamala Harris because I believe she is capable of being president--but, from my point of view, she neither has the experience, the foreign policy knowledge nor the wisdom that comes with "knowing Congress" as Joe Biden does and having the experience of age and living it fully.

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He did OK. It felt like most softball questions and I have a problem with pre-selected press questions The Gaza answer was so long it had to lose the audience I would think one CBS Ed , a CNN or a Fox question would have added credibility and been a truer test. It's ann interesting political time we are in.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

This all feels like watching a train wreck to me. The GOP is united behind Project 2025, and the Dems are second guessing themselves into a frenzy that seems mostly to be coming from the 'leadership' and media. It's a distraction. It is way too late to change horses, and there is plenty of blame to go around for that, in the national Dem and Biden camps both. But no new nominee is going to escape the GOP and media attacks already lining up, and as a lifelong Democrat it pains me to see us unable to stay focused on the immense task of defeating T.

I dread the next few months of discord, ballot challenges, infighting, and reliance on unreliable polls --all of which the pundits, the bots and the GOP thrive on--rather than a disciplined all-out effort to get Dem and independent voters to the polls to support a Democratic administration and agenda. An effective campaign with Biden's funds could be successful; I'm not sure the national Dem party is capable of that and it makes me feel sadder and more disempowered than I have ever been about politics. Discussions like this thread, and Rebecca Solnit's ongoing analysis on FB are among the few things that make me hopeful the actual voters are smart enough to see through the noise.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I watched the press conference with a small group of “he must step down or we will lose” folks. At the end they were a little less strident and couldn’t agree on an alternative either before or after. The NY Times also got it right yesterday with their series of editorials about the many ways Trump is unfit for office. I think it’s anyone vs Trump. Thats where the discussion needs to go. I would vote for my dog before Donald Trump!

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Ruby for President! That’s what Dudley says.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

It seems to me that the clear path through could well be this scenario:

1. Biden says that he will remain President through the end of his term.

2. Biden then says that Kamala Harris should be the candidate for the Democratic Party in 2024 and that all his delegates should support her.

3. Biden makes the point that he is remaining President to let Harris commit all her time and energy to defeat Trump, the existential threat to Democracy and the American Empire. That he agrees that she should campaign while he governs, allowing her to do something that he can't do as he has all the responsibilities of the Presidency

4. Harris steps up as the new nominee and says that her entire mission is to continue the Biden

legacy for four more years to complete the vision that Biden is creating.

This should unite the Democratic Party - the Biden supporters and those who think he is too old to "campaign".

Makes great sense to me, what do you think?

David Houle

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

Great scenario - I hope someone pays attention to it!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

Joe Biden has my vote. I was proud of how he answered many tough questions with details and clarity. The choice is clear!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I think Tim Wagner has it exactly right. Biden has been an exceptional president and his ideas are the right ones. But, you can't implement them if you don't get elected. Kamala Harris would continue those policies. She is a more seasoned politician than 4 years ago and can prosecute the case against Trump much more vehemently. Hillary Clinton lost to Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania because the black voters never turned out to vote for her in Milwaukee, Detroit and Philadelphia. VP Kamala Harris can get their vote and win those most important battleground states.

Kent Scheib

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I agree with the unidentified author of the above statement as well. A few of my personal reasons. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in early 2023 at age 67. Luckily, as a Medicare recipient, and thanks to Biden keeping his promises, my monthly insulin expense is capped at $35. Seniors in years past were not so fortunate, choosing between food, housing and medication, diluting their insulin to extend it, etc. Millions of younger Americans deserve this benefit. They may get it under Biden.

I’m retired now, but I worked on an international team of colleagues for 10 years before I retired. Hearing firsthand from them through these election cycles on how the world is watching us has given me a different perspective of how we’re viewed - they’re still counting on us to put DT out of the picture for their safety and security.

Currently, my husband and I are in the middle of a road trip from Iowa, to Montreal, Canada, Vermont, Connecticut, Ohio and home - definitely seeing the results in the U.S. of infrastructure spending that was so sorely needed. Yes, Biden is 81, but he’s a man with a vision and his knowledge, experience and expertise in legislative procedures is unmatched. Harris is gaining experience to step in if needed. There’s no guarantee that changing candidates now will secure a Trump defeat, but we’re guaranteed that it will be seen as a failure of the Democratic Party. There is too much at stake to make that change now.

Democrats have given up in the name of fair play and collegiality too often, imo. The popular vote demonstrates that the majority of American citizens elected Al Gore and Hilary Clinton. We lost a strong Senate voice in Al Franken by reacting too quickly to media pressure. Yet, we watched as Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in to the highest court.

I have a son who’s been paying student loans for many years. He just received notice a few weeks ago that one loan is now forgiven. It’s a small one, but it allows him to pay that payment toward another student loan and reduce his debt more quickly.

It’s hard to believe that so many Americans have forgotten the nightmare of “preexisting conditions” that plagued all of us prior to the Affordable Care Act. Remember uncovered pregnancies? Being trapped in a dead end job for fear of losing a health benefits for a child with special needs? A cancer diagnosis that left a family bankrupt even though their family member died from the cancer? DT has promised to take all those benefits away from Americans, and has no plan to replace it.

Let’s keep the “most legislatively successful President” in office with an overwhelming majority and keep the momentum going. Average people need to share the benefits this administration has provided to all of us. Not one “average” American benefited from any of Trump’s policies, and his future plans will leave us all in peril.

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Julie, I've been wavering on this issue since June 27. Here's where I come down on it. My background in organizing, media and communications puts a boldface emphasis on the current public narrative and how it influences the final outcome. This race will not be decided by those of us who are already committed to voting blue. It will be decided by those who really don't pay attention to politics. They regard politics and voting as more of nuisance than a duty or privilege. Hence they vote largely on personality and little else. They likely saw more of the debate on selected or edited clips on Tic Toc or Youtube. And what they saw was a decrepit old man who just escaped from the senior's home. No amount of lecturing from John Fetterman about Biden's proven record (which I truly admire) is going to change that perception. And that perception will not change as long as Biden continues in the race, and the public narrative remains about him 4 months prior to the election. The opposition to trump and Plan 2025 is building, and that's where the public narrative that influences that sliver of swing voters should be. I firmly believe that putting Harris at the top of the ticket with a credible VP candidate (and there are many) would suddenly shift the public narrative to trump, HIS age, HIS crime record, AND Plan 2025. That will influence that sliver of "don't give a whit" voters who will determine the outcome. This a long winded way of saying, "It isn't what I think. It's what those voters think." A good ticket with Harris at the top, coupled with the war chest their campaign has, can effectively bury trump. We can't afford anything less.

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Congratulations, Tim - you certainly hit the nail on the head. Harris is at the top of the ticket and fundraising is off the charts. People are finally waking up to Project 2025 - inevitable no matter who the Republican is. Now to educate younger voters on what’s in it for them - they stand to lose so much if T is re-elected. Most of us already collecting SS will survive this, it’s the future of our children and grandchildren that haunts me.

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i agree I, too, viewed this as it would appear to voters unlike those who regularly pay attention…the image, and that scared me.

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I thought of young and nondedicated voters, but didn’t address them. I agree they will be bombarded with Republican clips of Biden’s stumbles. It will be ugly. To me, media is taking the easy route to focus on the disaster, reinforcing it in everyone’s mind. Is Biden’s brand unacceptable? Perhaps the focus should be to educate young and nondedicated voters the contrast between a USA governed by Trump and associates and one governed by Biden and associates with emphasis on associates. The track records are there to use.

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Tim, where do you live?

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Of course! We need to have a potluck in Decorah! You up for hosting?

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Yes, indeed! Because of my commitments to helping Sarah Corkery in the 2nd District congressional race against Ashley Hinson, and also helping with a local Board of Supervisors candidate, I'd prefer it happen after the election. So yes, let's talk!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

Totally agree with Tim's assessment.

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Thank you to Micheal for expressing my feelings very closely. I did change my mind from he definitely should step down to he can still do the job for a couple years and then I am fine with Harris taking the reins. and yes, just what John Kirsch said, it will buy him time but the concern will remain great. Hang on!

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Whether he stays or goes, I kept on thinking Harris needs to publicly up her game across broader span of substantive issues. Harris should not, does not need to wait, to start giving talks on global issues or domestic economic topics.

I envision an upcoming NYT headline, above the fold, to read Biden uses wrong name for close associate.. And then on p. 3, the article will mention how Trump funds Russian bots to influence the election or how Russian money was traced to Project 2025.

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He certainly handled himself well at his press conference. His staff should help him on some of his stumbling words, but that’s not what a president is about a president is about know the information and acting upon it with lots of thought. He has so much knowledge that we don’t want to lose, my concern is that his health could deteriorate rather quickly but that’s why we have a vice president. I think Kamala Harris has the ability to step in with some awkward moments, of course, but with more confidence than anyone else that’s looking at the office of president. I hope his health remains , but we are ready for other possibilities

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

The press conference was typical Biden. He will never receive high marks as a speaker. What I did observe was a comprehensive understanding of world issues and a commitment to changing economic policies in the US away from trickle down economics.

The debate affirmed my view of Donald Trump as a very undesirable candidate for President. I wished Joe Biden was 20 years younger. But the ship has sailed for the Democratic party to address the issue of his age and the impact on his ability to lead or present a smooth, vigorous image for media. I am also fatigued by this conversation.

I will vote for Joe Biden in November because he has a team of individuals in cabinet positions who are functioning, the policies of the Democratic party are closer inline to my own, our country is supporting the correct world view.

No one in media has pointed out that if Biden is unable to complete four more years of work, that VP Harris will be his successor. This speaks loudly to the lack of confidence in her and my view is she would struggle to gain sufficient votes to defeat Donald Trump if she was the main candidate. I believe the Democratic Party knows this and also recognizes the mess they would have if she wasn’t his replacement.

My reactions to the Democrat members who are hedging or calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race is negative. They are lowering their status as a person who would receive my vote.

I’m in my 70’s, views reflect knowledge of being old with physical challenges. It doesn’t mean we can’t think.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I saw the news conference. My overall impression was that Biden did well enough to buy himself some time.

That won't stop the effort to dump him though.

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I, like Micheal previously wrote, voted for Biden because I was voting against tRump. I didn’t expect the greatest POTUS and yet, here he is! He spoke intelligently at the news conference despite being asked over and over and over about resigning. His two erroneous comments in regards to names yesterday are mistakes he quickly acknowledged and are sort of Biden being Biden, as he has done this over the years as a Senator as well. But at least he didn’t lie and say they were “jokes” as his opponent has said when asked about some of his guffaws.

Do I wish we had a younger candidate? You bet! Do I think we should jump ship or stay the course with Biden? I was a ‘jump shipper’ after the debate, but now I am Ridin’ With Biden! I hope all the rest of you do as well! Meanwhile, let’s keep the spotlight on the obvious mental issues tRump has as well as the fact that Project 2025 is an affront to democracy!

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I dread spending the next four months discussing Biden's age and defending his every gaffe. President Putin?! Vice President Trump?! How can this get better?

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I was in a very small Biden caucus group in 2020 as I.knew he was the right person at that time. Biden has accomplished much. Today I respectfully say,please step aside. Trump is dangerous, he and his backers want revenge not unity, and we have uninformed citizens who can only talk about the price of gas and eggs.After reading Project 2025 and clicking through its web page and training I know we are seeing 1939 times.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I was amazed that he had the wherewithal to talk about the number of serious issues that he is addressing and has addressed throughout his presidency. Sure he stutters and misses names and misnames people. So do I. I agree with what Michael Libbe posted.

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I agree with your "So do I." point. And I'm 20 years younger than him. I'm not as enthusiastically behind Biden as Michael Libbe, but at this point I think it is too late in the race to replace him. I believe he can do the job even if he has trouble speaking at times. I thought he would make a good Prez back when he was a Senator, and I continue to believe that. Now if we can just get more people to see the dangers of T and Project 2025, make them as scared as I am . . .

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Jul 12Liked by Julie Gammack

I missed the press conference. I totally agree with Michael Libbie's thoughts and conclusions.

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Biden isn’t fully capable today, much less for 4 1/2 more. Step down

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