To our new subscribers: I host a Monday Zoom call over the noon hour most weeks but usually take holidays off. After meeting Marianne Fons in Winterset recently, we decided we needed her to meet you BEFORE the upcoming Winterest Quilt Festival happening June 5-8, so she was our guest on Memorial Day.
I didn’t expect a big turnout today because it’s a holiday and the weather is mostly beautiful. Turns out, there is a lot of interest in quilting, even among those of us who know nothing about the craft/art form. J. Ann Selzer happened to visit the Quilt Museum in Winterset just last week, with her friend from Michigan, who also joined our call. Liz Seizer, Ames, was on the call, too. Not only is she a fan of the Iowa Quilt Museum, but regularly visits the renovated movie theater on the square called, ‘The Iowa.’
summed up the nostalgic and warm feelings a lot of people have for quilts by being one of the last participants to speak. He said:
“There's something just really comforting about a cold winter night, being able to climb into bed and snuggle under a quilt made by your grandmother, underneath a quilt made by your great-grandmother, given to you by your mother.”
Enjoy the show the conversation with , Reporting from Quiltropolis, and our equally fascinating particpants.
I’m just curious. Do you have a family quilt? Do you know the story behind it?
Monday, June 3, Zoom
Next Monday, our guest will be Polk County Attorney, Kimberly Graham. You need to be a subcriber, but can do so at no charge. However, paid subscription revenues fund the Okoboji Writers’ Retreat Scholarship Fund.
The Early Bird Discount for the Okoboji Writers’ Retreat ends on May 31.
Would you like to recieve a weekly roundup of columns by members of the Iowa Writers’ Collaborative? It’s easy, free, and lands in your inbox early Sunday morning.
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