I grew up in Pocahontas County. I can remember the days then we could swim in and fish every lake, river and creek in the state. Unfortunately those days are over because of the ag runoff that has left our once pristine way of life a toxic dump. And as long as Republicans keep pandering to BIG AGRA special Interests it isn’t going to get better anytime soon. I guess pig and chicken shit wins out.

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It is all so sad. So sad.

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Isn’t it?!

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Thanks! This must be a widespread issue!

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Contact Rob Faux at Genuine Faux Farms. http://www.genuinefauxfarm.com/

This happened to him and after a lengthy lawsuit, he has become a citizen advocate. He knows how to deal with this.

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the farmer has liability insurance. these "drift" cases are routinely paid by the insurance companies.

very thoughtless neighbor to have sprayed under wrong wind conditions. some communication helps.

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Thanks. I'll make the suggestion.

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The only "solution" is for the farmer to plant a buffer zone of native plants between their crops and those of the producer. They would not live past the spraying season but would buffer the produce from the spray. I have friends with this same problem.

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Wow. Is this widespread?

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You bet. It damages trees, shrubs, flowers and fruits & veggies too.

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So sad. Thanks for sharing.

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